Clean houses too are filled with dust, pet dander, pollen and cooking fumes which tend to affect our lungs in the long run. Irrespective of how much you try and keep your house clean there will still some amount of dust and other irritants which makes it difficult to breathe. Along with the use of vacuum cleaner and other portable cleaner use an air purifier to main healthy and clean air in the house.
Considerations for an air cleaner
Now the next thing you will need after the suggestion is . Below are some good tips to consider before buying an air purifier.
- Look for certified products, the Association of Home Appliances Manufacturers AHAM rates air purifier by using Clean Air Delivery RateCADR which shows how often the air in the room is exchanged with cleaner air. The conclusion from ‘Consumer Reports’ is that you buy a model of air purifier with a square footage capacity which is necessary as this will help the machine run at lesser noise
- Be cautious before you buy electronic air cleaners the one that produces a small amount of ozone gas as these purifiers tend to accelerate Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD by causing irritation to the lungs. These are very efficient purifiers that make very little noise and do not need filter replacements at all.
- HEPA High efficiency particulate air filters, these are the best one that is available. They do wonders with keeping the air free from irritants and pollens. The CADR ratings for this product is the highest, these air filters can be pricey to get them installed and working. Do check the prices for the filters as they tend to be expensive too.
- Low cost and efficient cleaners buy HVAC Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning which are good alternate purifiers when compared to the high priced HEPA air filters. Most of these are effective air filters, but are not as efficient as HEPA filters.
Hopefully the above information gives you some ideas of what an air cleaner or a purifier is and what are best ones for your home.