What is Minecraft hosting?


Minecraft is a game which allows its users to build and to destroy different structures formed by blocks. It has different modes of playing, singleplayer mode, and multiplayer mode. Singleplayer mode doesnt require anything special, but multiplayer requires .

What do you mean by Multiplayer

Multiplayer, as is clear from its name, is a game mode where more than one player can interact with each other and enjoy the game. This mode is a serverbased mode in which one needs to download the server and run it for playing. Once the server is installed, users can compete with each other in a multiplayer mode.

What is Hosting

Hosting is a process of storing some data on a computer connected to the internet. Minecraft Hosting is done only in the case of multiplayer mode. When more than one player wants to play this game he needs to do hosting. It should be noticed that servers have different requirements for proper functioning such as fast CPU, enough RAM memory and etc. So before hosting these requirements are to be fulfilled. Once Minecraft Hosting is done the servers provides the player to play online games with other players by connecting through a LAN.

Tools for Hosting

There are various tools available through which one can manage or host servers. Few of them are mentioned below

  • Default multiplayer software This is available free of charge. It is available for Windows, Mac Operating system.
  • Opening a world to LAN This tool provides a server which can only be used by persons available in your own local network.
  • External server clients These are used for larger servers which require a plugin. This provides its user with a facility to add a plugin to the servers.
  • Rented servers These are paid tools for which the users have to pay a rent on a regular basis. This type of hosting is done by an external company.

By using these tools, a player can easily manage the required server and start enjoying competing with other players around his network. 

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